From Cousin Jessica

Our Family will never be the same. My beautiful cousin Tina decided it was time to be as one with the universe. I’ll think of her when I see beautiful sunsets, beaches, and rainbows. Life just won’t be the same with out her. My first best friend and trusted side kick.

Our hearts are broken and while we appreciate all condolences, I ask that each of you do one thing in Tina’s honor. A simple act of kindness toward ANYBODY! Tina was always thinking of others no matter what she was struggling with. Her heart was big just like her sassy, sweet personality. I love her forever and will think of her often. Many of my childhood memories include Tina.

When carrying out a deliberate act of kindness please think of our family, Tina’s LOVE – Rich, her daughter Ella, my Aunt Sue Price, uncle Mark Price, and Tina’s loving siblings Lindsey Billings, Chelsea Lingerfeldt, and Mark Price. So many more people loved this girl that it makes me smile to know she made her mark and it was always with kindness and LOVE.