
Please share a favorite memory of Tina or leave a message of comfort for her family.

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16 entries.
BettyJane Blossfeld wrote on May 25, 2024
I was so heartbroken to hear of the huge loss of Tina, and I’m so sorry I didn’t get the news in time to attend the memorial. I would’ve love to be there. I am Tina’s Physical Therapist- I treated her after her stroke and several other times over the years. We became friends immediately. Tina was one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met. I didn’t know she was sick again and I’m so sad that I hadn’t been in touch with her recently. To Tina’s family- I am so very sorry for your loss. May God grant you strength, comfort and peace. BettyJane Blossfeld
Wayne wrote on April 24, 2024
Grateful to be a friend of Rich and Tina. I had a riot providing DJ services for Ava’s graduation party last July. Last year I met Tina, over the phone. Indeed, we had a spirited phone call talking about the graduation party plans. During the call, Tina proudly told me about her family, her beloved Rich, and the kids. Of course, Ella and Ava, Nick, and Josie. On the call I was jokingly warned by Tina “this party will be fun not stuffy” and I better “keep-up”. I assured her I would come prepared. It was a great party, and I was so happy to meet everyone that day. I offer my sincere sympathy to all of Tina’s family. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “It is not the length of life, but the depth.”
Melissa D'Angelo wrote on April 22, 2024
Tina was one of the first people I met when I transferred to GCHS from Ladywood. I didn't know anyone and she was in one of my classes and we instantly became friends. She was outgoing, funny, and made feel as if I was not the new girl at school. We were in pom together and she would help me stretch and give me tips on how I could do the splits, she was always willing to help. She was such a joy to be around, her energy was contagious, and her humor was admired. My heart breaks, I wish we were closer as adults. Tina had such a welcoming and amazing family, I am at a loss for words. Tina- you will be missed by so many, my heart goes out to your family and friends. You were a badass and taken from this earth way too soon. Love you all.
Marcia Jeffries-Walsh wrote on April 21, 2024
Tina is a gift, a treasure, a pleasure to all. She exudes: happiness, strength, positivity, kindness, consideration, and sweet love. Her beauty radiates inside and out, her whole being is wonderful and amazing Tina is what makes our world a better place. I’m thankful that Tina has always been a precious love, friend/family, in my life.
Emilia Greniuk wrote on April 21, 2024
I always think of Tina as kind and loving, a true family person. She was full of life, always encouraging to enjoy things around us. One of my memories with her is when we were celebrating 4th of July together. She was handing out sparklers to children. I was a little bit shy and didn't know what to do with it. She just told me to "take it and run around like American kid". It's a small moment of encouragment, but significant to me. I will miss her greatly. My condolences to her family and friends.
Maria Hooker wrote on April 15, 2024
Dear Mark, Sue and Family, We are so sorry for the loss of your precious, beloved Tina. Our hearts break for all of you. We will always cherish the nineteen years of wonderful memories of being neighbors and friends. Tina was so adorable and such a joy to be around. She had a beautiful smile and was genuine to the core. Her love of life and caring ways was a special gift. We are blessed to have known her. We pray that God graces your family with much love and brings you peace. With love, The Hooker Family
Sara Kerrigan wrote on April 15, 2024
I remember the first night I met Tina, my husband and his partners worked with Rich and we were coming over for a holiday party. We were asked to pack an over night bag as we had our little girl who was maybe 3 at the time and we didn’t have a sitter. She welcomed us with open arms and shared her house with us as if we were family. From the moment I met her, I felt like I had known her forever. She was wise, kind, funny as hell, and a real bad ass chick. I remember her telling us stories of her journey with her health and telling her that she was such a positive light despite of her hardships. I will really miss seeing Tina and celebrating her birthdays on the 4th of July together ❤️ Praying for the family, her daughter Ella, and her supportive husband, Rich for the strength to carry them through this difficult time.
Maria Greniuk wrote on April 15, 2024
I met Tina when I had the opportunity to visit my aunt and my cousins in America. We experienced many memorable moments together, I remember our conversations, she was a great listener and she always gave me a lot of support, for what I will always be very grateful. I spent with her valuable time. I saw in her brave, wise, beautiful and caring woman. Thank You Tina, my sincere condolences to the family.
Andrzej Greniuk wrote on April 15, 2024
I live in Poland, due to the distance between the two countries, we only met a few times. Tina was always smiling, witty and full of joy. This will remain in my memory. Let's learn to love people, they leave so quickly. Condolences to your loved ones
Rene Dinh wrote on April 14, 2024
I met Tina while undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkins lymphoma in 2021. She invited me to sit next to her when I came in for treatments so I didn't have to be alone. It always amazed me that she was so bright and vibrant and filled with love even while going through something so hard on body and soul. She made it easier for me to get through my own treatment. I'm so lucky and grateful that we happened to be scheduled for treatments on the same days. She's a treasure, as much in the next life as she was in this one.
Sherry Havercamp wrote on April 14, 2024
From the moment I meant Tina, I felt I’d met a kindred spirit. Laughter flowed easily with her and our shared love of nature bonded us as instant friends. As life flows busily, I regret that we didn’t see each other often, but when we did, it was special. I will always be grateful to have known her in this life, for she was a beautiful force in this world. Her ability to navigate life’s challenges with wit, strength and grace will always stay with me. My heart goes out to Ella, Rich, her beautiful family and all who loved her. Sincerely, Sherry
Chris Harrington wrote on April 14, 2024
I had the honor of working with Tina and Rich to design and build their dream home. From day one, Tina and Rich felt more like friends than clients and I I’m very fortunate to be able to call them friends today. Tina had a way of lighting up the room with her brilliant smile and positive attitude. She inspired me with her strength and resilience throughout her struggles, never once hearing her complain. She is a genuinely beautiful spirit that touched everyone she met. It is obvious how much she loved life and I would say she lived hers to the fullest. Her life was a gift to all of us that knew and loved Tina. She truly made this world a better place. She will be sorely missed but always remembered.
Mary Gabriel wrote on April 14, 2024
I worked with Tina in 2006-2010. She was always bubbly and upbeat. She adored her family and spoke fondly of them often. I remember going to her baby shower at her mother’s home and thinking she will love that baby to pieces and she obviously did. My condolences to her family and friends.
Arnie, Renee, Jada, & Aiden Samuels wrote on April 13, 2024
Tina was a beautiful soul with a tenacious spirit. She was a ray of sunshine and we pray her memory lives on within all of the many lives she touched. Sending our deepest condolences to Tina’s family and friends and praying for your healing and peace.
Jo Isgro wrote on April 12, 2024
Condolences to Tina’s family for their loss. I never met her, but know she was a very special person to all those she touched with her spirit. You are all in my thoughts.
Matt K wrote on April 12, 2024
My very first chat with Tina was maybe 18 months ago and I knew from that very first conversation that she was going to be amazing to get to know. Her and Rich were in the process of having their home built in Turks and Caicos. I answered the unknown number with "Good morning, this is Matt" and she says "Hi Matt, my name is Tina and I need your bomb ass window tint for my house." From there we chatted a few times until Rich came to island for a visit to unload a shipping container for their home. He and I got to chatting and we just hit it off. Together the 3 of us have seen each other whenever they would visit. Tremendous clients of mine that I have the privilege to say our my friends. The last time I saw Tina was February 20th of this year, my 45th birthday. She was here with her family whom I also met. Her and Rich asked to buy me a birthday drink and I kid you not, 15 minutes, 3 shots and a bunch of laughs later we all had to leave to get to other places. Tina was one of those souls that no matter how long you knew her, you knew that she was going to make your life brighter just by speaking with her. My heart breaks for Rich, and all of her family and friends. I will always remember her for the person that she was and the kindness that she showed. Rest in peace my friend, you will be missed by everyone.